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LR preset pack: Shiny Dreams



:xmas: CHRISTMAS 2012:xmas:
Discounts, freebies and new presets are coming!
Check this journal entry for more informations: [link]

Look, it's the pack of my two Shiny Dreams Preset! Buy this and save 40 points!

I hope you will love it as much as I do :heart: If you have any question about the preset, feel free to ask me! Write a note or a comment to ask! If you downloaded my preset, I'd love to know what do you think about it! :)

I made the presets in Lightroom 3.

There is TWO preset in the pack:
- Shiny Dreams - Vanilla Town
- Shiny Dreams - Blueberry Cake

If you want to get only one of the presets:

More preset:

Image size
906x1550px 1.64 MB
© 2012 - 2024 DorottyaS
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